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52°North WSS


The 52North Web Security Service (WSS) lets you easily restrict access to spatial services and their resources using role-based permissions.

With 52North WSS you can define access policies like:

All users in role ‘external’ are allowed to access just layers A and B of the WMS with GetMap.


GetFeatureInfo is only allowed on layer A in a specific area defined by a bounding box.

The 52North WSS is a Java Web Application which usually runs in a Apache Tomcat Servlet container. It acts as a proxy for an arbitrary number of OGC Web Services, receiving all requests and acting upon the defined policies. Thus, existing service implementations don’t need to be changed. Policies and users are defined in XML configuration files, which are maintained from a general management interface.

Screenshot of WSS Management UI



Includes protection of:

  • Web Mapping Service (WMS): layers, spatial extents
  • Web Feature Service (WFS): feature types, features and their attributes, spatial extents
  • Sensor Observation Service (SOS): offerings, procedures, spatial extents, temporal extents
  • Web Processing Service (WPS): processes


Multiple user authentication methods supported, such as:

  • HTTP Basic Authentication
  • SAML Assertions (Security Assertions Markup Language)
  • ... and others



Licence: GNU GPL v2.0

Software Version: WSS 2.2.0

Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

API Interfaces: Java

Commercial Support:

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