The group of MetaCRS projects provide libraries of methods to transform between different coordinate reference systems. A geographic coordinate reference systems allows all points on the earth to be described as set of coordinates (such as latitude, longitude and elevation). Different systems are used to represent the 3 dimensional earth on a flat, 2 dimensional map.
The MetaCRS libraries are included in other projects and some are also available via a command line interface.
The sub-projects that make up MetaCRS include:
The projects typically use coordinate system definitions as defined by the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) and defined in Well Known Text (WKT) format.
Strona internetowa:
Licencja: X/MIT style Open Source license
Wersja programu: 4.7.0
Systemy operacyjne: Windows, Linux, Mac
Interfejsy API: C, C++, Python, Java, Ruby
Strona internetowa:
Licencja: X/MIT style Open Source license
Wersja programu: 1.1.0
Systemy operacyjne: Windows, Linux, Mac
Interfejsy API: JavaScript
Strona internetowa:
Licencja: custom
Wersja programu: 13.0
Systemy operacyjne: Windows, Linux, Mac
Interfejsy API: C, C++
Strona internetowa:
Licencja: X/MIT style Open Source license
Wersja programu: 1.4.0
Strona internetowa:
Licencja: Licencja Apache, wersja 2.0
Wersja programu:
Systemy operacyjne: Windows, Linux, Mac
Interfejsy API: Java