JOSM jest napisanym w Javie, bogatym w narzędaia, skalowalym, desktopowym (offline) edytorem danych OpenStreetMap (OSM).
It supports loading stand-alone GPX tracks and GPX track data as well as editing existing nodes (points), ways (lines), metadata tags (name/value information) and relations (ordered sequence of points and lines) from the OSM database. GPX tracks, are usually downloaded in advance from a GPS receiver or from other sources.
A number of specialised plugins have been written for JSOM, which are available for download and install.
Strona internetowa: http://
Licencja: Powszechna Licencja Publiczna GNU (GPL) wersja 2. Uwaga: Wtyczki JOSM mogą mieć inne licencje.
Wersja programu: r7347
Systemy operacyjne: Windows, Linux, Mac
Interfejsy API: Java