OSGeo-Live スポンサー¶

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) provides the primary development & hosting infrastructure and personnel for the project, and for many of the software teams which contribute to it.

Jirotechは、OSGeo-Live DVDのマネジメントパッケージ化に向けた持続的な資源とスタッフを提供します。


Remote Sensing Laboratory at the National Technical University of Athens, provides hardware resources and development support to the OSGeo-Live project.



Okeanos is the Greek Academic cloud service (IaaS) which is providing virtualized computing resources free of charge to the Greek Universities and public Research Centres. Okeanos is build on top of existing proven open source software (e.g. Synnefo, Google Ganeti). Okeanos is kindly providing Virtual Machines for building the OSGeoLive iso images.
オープンソース地理空間財団 (OSGeo) は非営利組織であり、その使命はオープンな地理空間技術・データの共同開発を支援しサポートすることにあります。本財団は、海外のオープンソース地理空間コミュニティへ資金的、組織的、法的な支援を提供します。独立した法人組織として、コミュニティ成員がコードや寄付そして他の資源を貢献できるよう役割を果たすものです。そして、これらの貢献が公共的な利益のために維持されるという知識は揺るぎないものです。OSGeoまた、オープンソース地理空間コミュニティのためのアウトリーチかつ弁護する組織として機能し、共通のフォーラムやプロジェクト間のコラボレーションを改善するための共有インフラストラクチャを提供します。
財団のプロジェクトは、 OSI認定のオープンソースライセンス の下で、全て自由に入手し利用可能です。
このLive GISディスクと仮想マシンは、それぞれが推奨する自由でオープンソース(FOSS)な地理空間ソフトウェアを紹介するために、OSGeoコミュニティの成員によってまとめられたものです。この中には、GISにフォーカスしたものとそれ以外にも非OSGeoソフトウェア・パッケージの幾つかも含まれていますが、我々はあなたに、我々と同様に有用であることを発見してほしいと願っています。OSGeo財団は、この中でいかなる関連するソフトウェア、プロジェクト、または企業を推奨または保証するものではありません。
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Email: info at osgeo.org
Name | Country | Osgeo_id | |
Activity Workshop | mail activityworkshop net | Switzerland | activityworkshop |
Alan Beccati | a.beccati jacobs-university de | Germany | rasdaman |
Alan Boudreault | aboudreault mapgears.com | Canada | aboudreault |
Alex Mandel | tech wildintellect com | USA | wildintellect |
Alexandre Dube | adube mapgears.com | Canada | adube |
Amy Gao | amy spatialfront com | China | amygao |
Andrea Antonello | andrea.antonello gmail com | Italy | moovida |
Angelos Tzotsos | tzotsos gmail com | Greece | kalxas |
Anton Patrushev | anton.patrushev gmail com | Japan | anton |
Antonio Santiago | asantiagop gmail com | Spain | asantiago |
Argyros Argyridis | arargyridis gmail com | Greece | arargyridis |
Ariel Núñez | ingenieroariel gmail com | Colombia | ingenieroariel |
Astrid Emde | astrid.emde wheregroup com | Germany | astrid_emde |
Balasubramaniam Natarajan | bala150985 gmail com | India | bullet |
Barry Rowlingson | b.rowlingson gmail com | UK | barryrowlingson |
Ben Caradoc-Davies | ben transient nz | New Zealand | bencaradocdavies |
Benjamin Pross | b.pross 52north org | Germany | spross |
Brian Hamlin | maplabs Light42 com | USA | darkblue_b |
Bruno Binet | bruno.binet camptocamp com | France | bbinet |
Bu Kun | bukun osgeo.cn | China | bukun |
Cameron Shorter | Cameron.Shorter jirotech com | Australia | camerons |
Dane Springmeyer | dane dbsgeo com | USA | springmeyer |
Daniel Kastl | daniel.kastl georepublic de | Japan | danielkastl |
Danilo Bretschneider | danilo bretsch net | Germany | bretschneider |
Dimitar Misev | d.misev jacobs-university de | Germany | misev |
Edgar Soldin | edgar.soldin web de | Germany | edso |
Eike Hinderk Jürrens | e.h.juerrens 52north org | Germany | ehjuerrens |
Eric Lemoine | eric.lemoine camptocamp com | France | erilem |
Erika Pillu | erika pillu gmail com | France | erikapillu |
Etienne Dube | etdube gmail com | Canada | etdube |
Eva Peters | eva.peters geops de | Germany | gevos |
Fabian Schindler | fabian.schindler eox at | Austria | fschindler |
Fran Boon | fran aidiq com | UK | flavour |
Frank Gasdorf | fgdrf users.sourceforge.net | Germany | fgdrf |
Frank Warmerdam | warmerdam pobox.com | USA | warmerdam |
François Prunayre | fx prunayre gmail com | France | fxp |
Friedjoff Trautwein | friedjoff.trautwein geops de | Germany | friedjoff |
Gabriele Prestifilippo | gabriele.prestifilippo gmail com | Italy | gabry501 |
Gavin Treadgold | gav rediguana co nz | New Zealand | rediguana |
Gerald Fenoy | gerald.fenoy geolabs fr | France | djay |
Guillaume Pasero | guillaume.pasero c-s fr | France | gpasero |
Guy Griffiths | guy griffiths rdg ac uk | UK | guygriffiths |
Hamish Bowman | hamish_b yahoo com | New Zealand | hamish |
Haruyuki Seki | hal georepublic co jp | Japan | halsk |
Henry Addo | henry ushahidi com | Ghana | eyedol |
Hernan Olivera | lholivera gmail com | Argentina | hernanolivera |
Howard Butler | hobu gmail com | USA | hobu |
Ian Edwards | ian edwards metoffice gov uk | UK | ian |
Ian Turton | ijturton gmail com | UK | ianturton |
Jackie Ng | jumpinjackie gmail com | Australia | jng |
Jakob Miksch | jakob miksch posteo eu | Germany | Magicgate |
Jan Drewnak | j.drewnak 52north com | Germany | drewnak |
Jane Lewis | j p lewis rdg ac uk | ? | ? |
Javier Rodrigo | jrodrigo scolab es | Spain | jrodrigo |
Jim Klassen | klassen.js gmail com | USA | jimk |
Jinsongdi Yu | j.yu jacobs-university de | Germany | rasdaman |
Jody Garnett | jgarnett gmail com | Australia | jive |
Johan Van de Wauw | johan vandewauw gmail.com | Belgium | johanvdw |
John Bryant | johnwbryant gmail com | Australia | jbryant |
Jorge Sanz | jsanz gvsig com | Spain | jsanz |
José Vicente Higón | jvhigon gvsig com | Spain | jvhigon |
Judit Mays | mays lat-lon de | Germany | jmays |
Klokan Petr Pridal | klokan klokan cz | Switzerland | klokan |
Kristof Lange | kristof.lange uni-muenster de | Germany | kristoflange |
Lance McKee | lmckee opengeospatial org | USA | ? |
Larry Shaffer | larrys dakotacarto com | USA | larrysh |
Luca Delucchi | lucadeluge gmail com | Italy | lucadelu |
Mage Whopper | magewhopper gmail com | Japan | Magepa |
Marc-André Barbeau | mbarbeau mapgears com | Canada | mbarbeau |
Manuel Grizonnet | manuel.grizonnet cnes fr | France | manuelgrizonnet |
Margherita Di Leo | dileomargherita gmail com | Italy | madi |
Mario Carrera | mcarrera gvsig com | Spain | mcarrera77 |
Mark Leslie | mark leslie lisasoft com | Australia | mleslie |
Markus Neteler | neteler osgeo.org | Italy | neteler |
Massimo Di Stefano | massimodisasha yahoo it | Italy | epifanio |
Micha Silver | micha arava co il | Israel | micha |
Michael Owonibi | m.owonibi jacobs-university de | Germany | mowonibi |
Michaël Michaud | michael michaud free fr | France | michaudm |
Mike Adair | madair dmsolutions ca | Canada | madair |
Milan P. Antonovic | milan.antonovic supsi.ch | Switzerland | Mantonovic |
Nathaniel V. Kelso | nathaniel kelsocartography com | USA | ? |
Ned Horning | horning amnh org | USA | nedhorning |
Nicolas Roelandt | baka niko gmail com | France | Roelandtn |
Oliver Tonnhofer | olt omniscale de | Germany | olt |
Patric Hafner | patric.hafner geops de | Germany | phaf |
Paul Meems | p.meems topx-group nl | The Netherlands | pmeems |
Pirmin Kalberer | pka sourcepole com | Switzerland | pka |
Regina Obe | lr pcorp us | USA | robe |
Ricardo Pinho | rpinho_eng yahoo com br | Portugal | rpinho |
Roald de Wit | osgeo rdewit net | Australia | rdewit |
Roberto Antolin | rantolin geo gmail com | Spain | rantolin |
Robin Lovelace | rob00x gmail com | UK | robinlovelace |
Ruth Schoenbuchner | ruth.schoenbuchner csgis.de | Germany | rscsgis |
Scott Penrose | scottp dd com au | Australia | scottp |
Sergio Baños | sbc saig es | Spain | sbcalvo |
Sergey Popov | sergobot256 gmail com | Russia | sergobot |
Simon Cropper | scropper botanicusaustralia com au | Australia | simoncropper |
Simon Pigot | simon.pigot csiro au | Australia | simonp |
Stefan A. Tzeggai | gp geopublishing org | Germany | alfonx |
Stefan Hansen | stefan.hansen lisasoft com | Australia | shansen |
Stefan Steiniger | sstein geo uzh ch | Canada/Chile | mentaer |
Stephan Meissl | stephan meissl name | Austria | schpidi |
Steve Lime | sdlime gmail com | USA | sdlime |
Takayuki Nuimura | nekogahora gmail com | Japan | nuimura |
Thierry Badard | tbadard spatialytics com | Canada | tbadard |
Thomas Gratier | thomas gratier gmail com | France | thomasg |
Tom Kralidis | tomkralidis gmail com | Canada | tomkralidis |
Trevor Wekel | trevor_wekel otxsystems com | Canada | trevorwekel |
Matthias Streulens | matthias.streulens geomajas org | Belgium | streulma |
Victor Poughon | victor.poughon cnes fr | France | poughov |
Vlad Merticariu | vkadmerti gmail com | Germany | vmerticariu |
Zoltan Siki | siki agt bme hu | Hungary | Siki |
Language | i18n code | Name | Country | Osgeo_id | |
Catalan | ca | Òscar Fonts | Spain | oscar.fonts gmail com | oscarfonts |
Catalan | ca | Raf Roset | Spain | rafroset gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Anna Muñoz | Spain | a.munyoz.b gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Cristhian Pin | Spain | cpinperez gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Marc Torres | Spain | geoinquiet gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Assumpció Termens | Spain | atermens gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Estela Llorente | Spain | estela.llorente gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Roger Veciana | Spain | rveciana gmail.com | |
German | de | Astrid Emde | Germany | astrid emde wheregroup com | astrid_emde |
German | de | Daniel Kastl | Germany | daniel georepublic de | danielkastl |
German | de | Dominik Helle | Germany | helle omniscale de | |
German | de | Eva Peters | Germany | eva.peters geops de | gevos |
German | de | Frank Gasdorf | Germany | fgdrf users.sourceforge.net | fgdrf |
German | de | Jakob Miksch | Germany | jakob miksch posteo eu | Magicgate |
German | de | Lars Lingner | Germany | lars lingner eu | gislars |
German | de | Otto Dassau | Germany | dassau gbd-consult de | dassau |
German | de | Ruth Schoenbuchner | Germany | ruth schoenbuchner csgis de | |
German | de | Thomas Baschetti | Germany | info thomas-baschetti de | tbaschett |
Greek | el | Angelos Tzotsos | Greece | tzotsos gmail com | kalxas |
Greek | el | Christos Iossifidis | Greece | chiossif gmail com | chiossif |
Greek | el | Argyros Argyridis | Greece | arargyridis gmail com | Argy7 |
Greek | el | Aikaterini Kapsampeli | Greece | kapsamp mail ntua gr | topometal |
Greek | el | Maria Vakalopoulou | Greece | mariavak8 hotmail com | mariavak |
Spanish | es | Agustín Díez | Spain | adiez uv es | |
Spanish | es | David Mateos | Spain | porquewhich hotmail com | |
Spanish | es | Hernan Olivera | Argentina | lholivera gmail com | hernanolivera |
Spanish | es | Javier Sánchez | Spain | jsgisdev gmail com | jsanchez |
Spanish | es | Jesús Gómez | Spain | je_gomez terra es | |
Spanish | es | Jorge Arévalo | Spain | jorge.arevalo deimos-space com | jorgear |
Spanish | es | Jorge Sanz | Spain | jsanz osgeo org | jsanz |
Spanish | es | José Antonio Canalejo | Germany | jacanalejo yahoo es | |
Spanish | es | Mauricio Miranda | Argentina | mmiranda xoomcode com | |
Spanish | es | Mauricio Pazos | Spain | mauricio.pazos gmail com | mpazos |
Spanish | es | Òscar Fonts | Spain | oscar.fonts gmail com | oscarfonts |
Spanish | es | Pedro-Juan Ferrer | Spain | pferrer osgeo org | pferrer |
Spanish | es | Roberto Antolín | Spain | rantolin.geo gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Samuel Mesa | Colombia | samuelmesa gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Valenty González | Venezuela | vgonzalez gvsig com | gvalenty |
Spanish | es | Lucía Sanjaime | Spain | llusancal gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Andrea Yanza | Columbia | andreavyanzah gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Diego González | Spain | iberdiego gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Nacho Varela | Spain | nachouve gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Mario Andino | Paraguay | armra hotmail es | |
Spanish | es | Virginia Vergara | Mexico | vicky at georepublic dot de | cvvergara |
French | fr | Thomas Gratier | France | thomas gratier gmail com | thomasg |
French | fr | Christophe Tufféry | France | c tuffery gmail com | ctuffery |
French | fr | Marc-André Barbeau | Canada | mbarbeau mapgears com | mbarbeau |
French | fr | Etienne Delay | France | etienne delay gmail com | 8449 |
French | fr | Erika Pillu | France | erika pillu gmail com | erikapillu |
French | fr | Nicolas Roelandt | France | baka niko gmail com | roelandtn |
Hungarian | hu | Zoltan Siki | Hungary | siki agt bme hu | siki |
Indonesian | id | M Iqnaul Haq Siregar | Indonesia | iqnaulhaq gmail com | iqna |
Indonesian | id | Andry Rustanto | Indonesia | rustanto.id gmail com | andry |
Italian | it | Alessandro Furieri | Italy | a.furieri lqt it | |
Italian | it | Antonio Falciano | Italy | ||
Italian | it | Diego Migliavacca | Italy | diego.migliavacca gmail com | diegom |
Italian | it | Elena Mezzini | Italy | ||
Italian | it | Giuseppe Calamita | Italy | ||
Italian | it | Luca Delucchi | Italy | lucadeluge gmail com | lucadelu |
Italian | it | Marco Puppin | Italy | puppingeo gmail com | |
Italian | it | Marco Curreli | Italy | marcocurreli tiscali it | marcocur |
Italian | it | Margherita Di Leo | Italy | dileomargherita gmail com | madi |
Italian | it | Massimo Di Stefano | Italy | massimodisasha gmail com | |
Italian | it | Matteo De Stefano | Italy | mdlux | |
Italian | it | Pasquale Di Donato | Italy | pasquale.didonato gmail com | |
Italian | it | Roberta Fagandini | Italy | ||
Japanese | ja | Haruyuki Seki | Japan | hal georepublic.co jp | |
Japanese | ja | Nobusuke Iwasaki | Japan | wata909 gmail com | |
Japanese | ja | Toshikazu Seto | Japan | tosseto gmail com | |
Japanese | ja | Yoichi Kayama | Japan | yoichi.kayama gmail com | |
Japanese | ja | Takayuki Nuimura | Japan | nekogahora gmail com | nuimura |
Japanese | ja | Hirofumi Hayashi | Japan | hayashi apptec co jp | |
Japanese | ja | Ko Nagase | Japan | nagase georepublic co jp | sanak |
Korean | kr | Hyeyeong Choe | Korea | hychoe ucdavis.edu | hychoe |
Polish | pl | Milena Nowotarska | Poland | do.milenki gmail com | milenan |
Polish | pl | Damian Wojsław | Poland | damian wojslaw pl | trochej |
Russian | ru | Alexander Bruy | Ukraine | voltron ua.fm | Voltron |
Russian | ru | Alexander Muriy | Russia | amuriy gmail.com | amuriy |
Russian | ru | Alexey Ardyakov | Russia | ardjakov rambler.ru | Ariki |
Russian | ru | Andrey Syrokomskiy | Ukraine | signmotion gmail.com | Andrey Syr |
Russian | ru | Anton Novichikhin | Russia | novi-mail mail.ru | novia |
Russian | ru | Daria Svidzinska | Ukraine | d.svidzinska gmail.com | darsvid |
Russian | ru | Denis Rykov | Russia | rykovd gmail.com | Denis Rykov |
Russian | ru | Dmitry Baryshnikov | Russia | polimax mail.ru | Bishop |
Russian | ru | Evgeny Nikulin | Russia | nikulin.e gmail.com | yellow-sky |
Russian | ru | Ilya Filippov | Russia | filip83pov yandex.ru | bolotoved |
Russian | ru | Grigory Rozhentsov | Russia | grozhentsov gispro.ru | grozhentso |
Russian | ru | Maxim Dubinin | Russia | sim gis-lab.info | Maxim Dubinin |
Russian | ru | Nadiia Gorash | UK | Nadiia.gorash gmail.com | Nadiia |
Russian | ru | Pavel | Russia | pashtet51 gmail.com | Pavel |
Russian | ru | Sergey Grachev | Russia | ergo list.ru | ergo |
Russian | ru | Vera | Russia | vera probki.net | Geo-U-Piter |
Russian | ru | Alexander Kleshnin | Russia | a.hast mail ru | HasT |
Russian | ru | kuzkok | Russia | kuzkok gmail.com | kuzkok |
Chinese | zh | Bu Kun | China | bukun osgeo.cn | bukun |
Chinese | zh | Xianfeng Song | China | song.osgeo gmail com | |
Chinese | zh | Jing Wang | China | wangjing-2008-jing 163 com | |
Chinese | zh | Zhengfan Lin | China | public t lin gmail com | tanner |